What is Affinity Equitation?

There is an idea that many people have, that only through a system, step by step method, lessons, schooling, training... can come a true authentic connection with our horse.

I propose a flip side to that. I'm proposing, that the connection and the bond are already available. It's all already there for us, we actually know it but we are blocked, our awareness is blocked, often by the above idea. All of us are aware. People say you need to "develop awareness", No! We need to unveil our awareness, declutter, unblock and allow ourselves to function IN our awareness. 

Affinity is the natural attraction we feel to a horse, that draw we feel when we first experience a moment of connection with horses. THAT is the space from which the art of equitation and horsemanship can truly grow. 

I believe the development of a consistent, powerful and fulfilling journey with horses comes from recognising and experiencing an authentic connection FIRST. Its a fallacy that has been perpetuated that this connection - this quality relationship - is somehow only available to a select group of people that have spent 10,000 hours in the saddle!  It's right there, possible from the moment we first start the journey with horses but it's either not seen, not made accessible or not valued. When missing that, we are missing what I feel is the best part about being with horses.... we are missing THEM... what they say, what they teach, what they can contribute to our lives.

So what are we about? We are not about training! We are "un-training" what you and your horse already know, allowing you to free yourself from your default thinking and internal dialogue. This will present you with something new... what is being offered by your horse, in that moment. 

Here is a powerful thought to consider. "You can only create something, from nothing." Otherwise you are just changing something that's already there. So if the experience you are currently having with your horse just feels like a slightly different version of the same thing over and over, perhaps that's because it is...

So no, at Affinity Equitation, you won't get an ABC. You won't get a method. You won't get a program on how to succeed in competition. You WILL get, connection, insights, language and moments where you will see what is possible. When you step out of what's already there you will see that you can create something entirely new. 

When you have this new place of connection, the possibility of becoming a balanced, skillful leader and rider can flow from a different place. Art does not have an agenda, ego does. 

Tamara Coakley